Food Safety Disclaimer

Delightful Tiffins acts as a platform to connect customers with various food vendors. We make every effort to ensure the quality and safety of the food delivered through our platform, but we do not directly prepare or handle the food.

Vendor Responsibility: Our partnered vendors are solely responsible for the preparation, packaging, and delivery of the food. Any issues related to the quality, safety, or freshness of the food should be reported to us and we will do our best to address issues.

Food Safety: While we encourage our vendors to adhere to strict food safety standards, we cannot guarantee the safety of the food. It is essential to exercise caution and use your judgment when consuming any food purchased through our platform.

Allergies and Dietary Restrictions: It is the customer's responsibility to communicate any allergies or dietary restrictions to us during the order placement. We are not responsible for any adverse reactions or consequences resulting from undisclosed allergies or dietary preferences.

Limitation of Liability: Delightful Tiffins is not liable for any damages, injuries, or illnesses that may result from the consumption of food purchased through our platform. By using our services, you acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with ordering food online.